The Power of Catholic Scripture Study
Dear Mark Shea:
I am writing to let you know that I have developed a very deep love and understanding of the Scriptures and my Catholic faith because of your team's work. I am already donating $10.00 a month to the Catholic Exchange. I would like to be able to give more, but our parish is just beginning a new building program, and I have committed all my allowable monies to that program.
As soon as our goal is reached, I will be able to increase my donation to the Catholic Exchange.
The various programs will always remain in my prayers, and we thank God every day for all the work you have been doing to spread the Gospel.
God Bless,
Tom Langan
A College Student Discovering the Faith
Dear Mr. Shea:
Thank you for your recent email. I too am a college student discovering more about my faith than ever. The Bible study has enabled me to clearly understand the foundations of my faith and respond to my friends (Catholic and Protestant) with an educated background.
God Bless all of the wonderful people who support your orginization financially to allow me and others to benefit! When financially feasible I hope to do so also. Pray for those affected by the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks as well as those Islamic people who think that they were doing the right thing. I hope the violence will come to an end soon.
In Christ,
Brian Ramsey
Operation “Infinite Justice”
Thanks for Catholic Exchange. It's a great site!
I just heard about the US military operation's code name “Infinite Justice”. Isn't it blasphemous (in addition to risk sounding presumptuous to the rest of the world)? I think God only is infinite justice. How should we react? Send a petition to President Bush to request that he changes this code name?
God bless you!
J.M. Guilloux
Dear J.M. Guilloux,
Thanks for writing in. I think such a petition would fall on deaf ears, frankly. Our secular society obviously lacks a sensitivity to religious truth Catholic in particular. That said, I would not dissuade you from expressing your opinion. I you would like to contact the White House, you can do so by phone at (202) 456-1414 or via e-mail at
God Bless,
Tom Allen
Editor, CE
Thanks for your reply, Mr. Allen. I did send an email to the White House.