Devotion to the Sacred Heart

Ez 34:11-16 / Rom 5:5-11 / Lk 15:3-7

Now as the devotion to the Sacred Heart makes us true and faithful adorers of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, and as it consecrates us in a special way to this mystery, it procures for us the greatest sweetness from it.

One would say that our Savior measures the special favors which He confers in this Sacrament by the number of insults which He has endured in it, and as there is no mystery in which He has received so many outrages, there is also no other mystery in which He fills with such sweet consolations those who do all in their power to make reparation for these outrages.

As the motive of this holy practice is so pure and agreeable to Jesus Christ, we should not be surprised if the best and holiest of all masters shows such sweetness to His grateful and faithful servants, especially at a time when gratitude is rare, and when so little eagerness to serve Him and so little true love are found even in those who make a profession of loving Him.

From The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ