Declassified Docs Reveal U.S. and U.N. Purposefully Ignored Rwandan Genocide

WASHINGTON ( – Declassified documents reveal that the United States purposefully chose to do very little to stop the 1994 Rwandan genocide which resulted in some 800,000 deaths. The National Post of Toronto reports today that the documents show:

• Within days of the start of the genocide, senior Pentagon officials were warned “a massive bloodbath (hundreds of thousands of deaths) will ensue.”

• U.S. diplomats were expressly prohibited, for almost two months, from using the word “genocide” to describe the situation in Rwanda out of fear international law would then require them to “do something.”

• Bureaucratic infighting slowed the U.S. response to the crisis.

• U.S. defense officials, worried about military involvement in Africa, rejected suggestions they use military aircraft to jam extremist radio broadcasts that were inciting and directing the mass murder. The Pentagon thought the idea too expensive.

Earlier reports showed that the United Nations was privy to the same information and also chose to do very little to stop the massacre. The inexcusable and seemingly inexplicable non-action by the United Nations and the United States in the face of what researchers call the “single most efficient killing spree of the 20th century,” has given support to a theory suggesting the inaction was encouraged to allow for population reduction in this densely populated part of Africa.

Canadian General Romeo Dallaire, leader of the UN forces in Rwanda at the time, sent numerous communications to his superiors begging for assistance to thwart the genocide, but was left unaided and was refused authority to proceed with operations to stop the genocide before it began. Dallaire reported that even after the killing began, hundreds of thousands of lives could still have been saved by authorizing NATO forces, who had the proper equipment, to jam the radio transmissions the Hutus used to direct the killing.

Dallaire, gave a presentation in Toronto on the Rwandan nightmare on April 10, 1996. Dallaire noted that at the time of the conflict, Rwanda had the world's highest birthrate at 8.3 children per woman. He stated that military personnel referred to UN and other foreign aid as “covering the country with rubber”. Tons of condoms and other contraceptives were being shipped to and distributed around the region in quantities far beyond what the population could use and in place of much more needed food, medicine and other critically needed aid. Cutting the birthrate was clearly the number one priority of the “aid” agencies. Medicine stores were filled with contraceptives and extremely short of any supplies to treat wounded Rwandans.

In private discussion after his presentation, reporters suggested to the general that African de-population policies of the great powers could explain the total lack of support he received. Rather than professing incredulity, his response was that although he had not discussed this and had no expertise on population control matters and that some of his observations would not be inconsistent with such an opinion.

(This update courtesy of LifeSite News.)

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