Dear Catholic Exchange:
I am trying to do a research paper for an English class proving that the play Macbeth is truly not haunted or cursed. What is the Church’s belief on an object being cursed or unlucky or haunted, etc? Where can I go on the standpoint of the Church for proving the play isn’t haunted?
Heather Sullivan
Dear Heather,
Peace in Christ!
Thank you for your question regarding Macbeth and cursed objects. Looking through sources such as the Bible, Catechism, and Church documents, there was no information on this particular subject. I have included a link to an article on EWTN that discusses uses of charms and amulets used by people who are involved with the occult, such as fortune tellers or spiritualists:
Spiritual Warfare: The Occult Has Demonic Influence
In addition, I have included a short excerpt from a book called Satanism: Is it Real? by Father Jeffrey J. Sutton. It is important to consider that this book is the product of research done by a priest, not the formal teachings of the Church.
“In sorcery, a person is trying to influence human or natural events through an external force to effect a “magical result.” This force, though invisible, is real. This force, though invisible, is real. Beyond ordinary human capabilities, this supranatural power is not the all-powerful God, but an evil reality…”
“Sorcery works through things. For example, music, charms, talismans, amulets, certain incantations, pieces of clothing, drugs, special rites and images. Even jewelry can be a part of sorcery, so people should be careful what they place on their wrists or around their necks…”
After researching your question as to whether or not the play itself is haunted, I found it difficult to answer with certitude. Although there is a degree of mysticism that surrounds the play by people who have performed it, it is not possible to state whether or not the play is or is not “haunted.”
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Mary Ann Wiesinger
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