One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life.
Chinese Proverb
I found myself in an extremely impatient mood today while waiting at my bank. In my hurry to obtain a cashier's check prior to picking up my son from school, I allotted ten minutes to run into my normally quite efficient bank. I waited behind one woman in line while the one teller who was on duty helped her customer. The customer was an elderly woman who appeared to be cashing in what seemed to be a lifetime supply of pennies. She had the pennies in various plastic bags – every time I thought she was nearing the end of her transaction, another ziplock full of copper would emerge from a hidden pocket or cranny of her oversized purse.
I felt my patience waining. I felt my blood pressure begin to rise and I consulted the clock on my cell phone numerous times, hoping to send a secret signal to the manager that she needed to put another teller on duty.
Apparently, the manager caught my body language, and a second teller soon appeared at her window. "How can I provide you with excellent customer service today?" she queried in lieu of yelling, "Next!"
When I told her what I needed, she indicated that she wasn't set up to do cashier's checks and that I would need to go stand in line again behind the penny lady.
I could feel my irritation rising, but I tried my best to give her a smile. I'm sure it looked more like a grimace! I stood behind the penny collector, praying for patience, for the tellers, and for this lady with so many pennies!
In our instant messaging, drive through, immediate gratification society, a wait of ten minutes can feel like an eternity. I learned today that I need to work on my patience – it is a virtue after all! Delays are sometimes unavoidable. There's no sense in letting my blood pressure rise over something as silly as pennies!
How do you remain patient while waiting? I could use some pointers!