
by Pavel Chichikov

A fine brown spider wandered through my papers

Her supple limbs testing for a foothold

And her palps thrust forward, imaging the contours

Of a rugged fibrous map of ink and whiteness

Where did she come from, did I bring from outside

This lanky curious stranger – or from another place

To wrap this inner, apathetic world

With unseen glory, cryptic energy and form?

Visitants appear and disappear, angels, demons

Apparitions, messages and signs

And then with one bright wave of sunshine

All disappear again, regaining shadows

One night a patient cross stood upright in the hallway

Stiff as any monopod or angel

But this one dangles from a string, moves on

As if the world is nothing but a crossroad

Much better that we bless all unseen things.

Openly they cross the straight road that we travel

On their way from darkness to the borderlands

Where seldom any human dares to go

Looking neither to the right nor left

We go on, blind, nor do we see

Bright figures float on spectral wings

Above immense but unseen trees

(Click here to follow Pavel's ongoing epic poem “The Shoulder of the Sun.” You may visit Pavel's website at

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