A proposal on Capitol Hill would require abortion and family planning facilities to provide women considering abortion access to adoption information.
Across the country, there are close to 5,000 clinics that receive “family planning” money from the government. Yet, when a pregnant woman walks in, adoption information is not readily available — you have to ask for it. This bill would require that such information be given to them. The bill's sponsor, pro-life Rep. Jo Ann Davis (R-VA), said it just makes sense.
“I'm a mom; I can remember being pregnant,” Davis said. “You know, you have a little life inside of you and there's got to be guilt feelings spinning around in your head when you have this 'unwanted' pregnancy.”
Pro-abortion groups, however, don't see it that way. They don't want to talk about adoption. Tim Wildmon, with the American Family Association, said that is hypocritical.
“The so-called 'pro-choice' community is always saying women need good information, young ladies need to be given their options and, of course, their options are always abortion,” Wildmon said, adding that abortion facilities need to tell women about adoption as well.
Davis said she doesn't want her bill to get bogged down in controversy.
“It's not an abortion bill,” she said. “Hopefully, it'll lead to (fewer) abortions, but it's not an abortion bill. It's simply a choice bill.”
The bill does have the potential of getting to the president's desk. Davis said she has been assured that the House leadership is behind it. What is not sure, is how hard pro-abortion groups will fight against it.
(This article courtesy of Steven Ertelt and the Pro-Life Infonet email newsletter. For more information or to subscribe go to www.prolifeinfo.org or email infonet@prolifeinfo.org.)