Confirmation Completes Baptism

Eric Stoutz

Information Specialist

Catholics United for the Faith

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Dear Catholic Exchange:

I recently read in an article… “In John 3:5 the word 'water' in the clause, 'unless a man is born of water and Spirit' refers to the water of baptism, at which time the Spirit enters our life and sins are forgiven.” (I hope I have not quoted out of context.)

My questions: If the Spirit enters our life in baptism, then what is the difference between baptism and confirmation? Do we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit at baptism or only at confirmation?

Please enlighten me!


Des Nicholson

New Zealand

Dear Des,

Peace in Christ!

Confirmation completes baptismal grace and strengthens the individual with the power of the Holy Spirit. “Confirmation” is literally a complete firming up of those baptismal graces. [Con (“complete” or “thorough”) + Firm].

For an explanation, please see our Faith Fact The Graces of Confirmation.

United in the Faith,

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