Commencement Speaker Likens Human Cloning Opponents To Abortion Bombers

Lewistown, ME — In a commencement speech delivered on May 27, Nobel laureate Steven Weinberg told graduating Bates College students that those opposed to human cloning for research purposes are “religious zealots” who are extremists and bomb abortion facilities.

“Even here in America we have religious zealots who try to corrupt the teaching of biological and astronomic science in public schools, who try to ban research on therapeutic cloning, who try to prevent building astronomical observatories on the top of mountains that some people think are sacred, and who in extreme cases, bomb abortion clinics,” he said.

Weinberg was the winner of the 1979 Nobel Prize in physics and currently a theoretical physicist at the University of Texas. He received an honorary degree from Bates.

Bates also awarded an honorary degree to former Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders. Elders made a name for herself by calling pro-life advocates “fetus lovers” and advocating abortion on demand.

ACTION: Please contact Bates College and express your disappointment with the objectionable statement of Professor Steven Weinberg and honoring former Surgeon General Elders. You can contact the college and Professor Weinberg at:

Bates College

Lewiston, Maine 04240

(207) 786-6100

fax: (207) 786-6434

E-mail Bates College

Professor Steven Weinberg

Office – (512) 471-4394

FAX – (512) 471-4888

E-mail Professor Weinberg

(This article courtesy of Steven Ertelt and the Pro-Life Infonet email newsletter. For more information or to subscribe go to or email

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