Comedian Dennis Miller Expresses Security Concerns on Tonight Show

(This update courtesy of the Media Research Center.)

Reciting some of the commentary/jokes he's told on his HBO

show Dennis Miller Live, the comedian who has been doing color

commentary on ABC's Monday Night Football put the security and

safety of Americans ahead of the civil rights concerns of

the ACLU. Some of the politically-charged humorous observations he

recounted on the June 18 Tonight Show with Jay Leno:

• “Of course we have to profile people. We live in some weird

time now where we're all trying to convince each other that we

shouldn't profile people. When 19 out of 20 people are from a

certain country, and they blow up the two biggest buildings in

your country, if you don't start looking at people who are

visiting here from that country, you're not being open-minded.

You're being dead. Okay?”

• “We have got to get it together and understand that this

country, people say it's not the American way to infringe on civil

liberties. Well it's not the American way to rollover for punks

either. We've got to start [defending ourselves against] these people because

they don't care about us. They live for one reason and one reason

alone and that is to kill you and I. There's no half way in the al

Qaeda. There's no al-Kindas, okay. These people just care about

our demise.”

• “And you know something, the American Civil Liberties

Union, when they come out and say you never profile anybody who

gets on an airplane… I say we create a new airline, called the

ACLA, the American Civil Liberties Airline, where you don't check

anybody, you don't ask any questions, and let those morons fly on

that one, okay? The rest of us want to be protected.”

• “Guantanamo Bay, are these people being treated fairly?

Let's be serious folks. Guantanamo Bay is about as far as our

Western sensibilities will allow us to descend as far as putting a

prison together. No, you know, it's no joy ride, but, you know,

that being said, if you put the Guantanamo Bay terrorist prison

outside of Kabul it would be their Epcot.”

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