Co-Architect of Permissive Abortion Law Defended by Toronto Archdiocese

TORONTO – In a turn of events reminiscent of the scandal over the World March of Women, the office of communications of the Archdiocese of Toronto has defended the choice of former Prime Minister John Turner as chair of this year's Cardinal's Dinner. In an unsigned letter, on official diocesan letterhead, sent to all parishes, the office of communications states that Cardinal Alyosius Ambrozic is deeply appreciative of Turner's help. The letter continues with what is being called by pro-life veterans a “whitewash” of Turner's role in the 1969 legislation which permitted abortion in Canada. By implication, the letter appears to also exonerate the other co-architect, former Prime Minisiter Pierre Trudeau.

Jim Hughes, National President of Campaign Life Coalition, was saddened by the archdiocesan letter. “To my knowledge Mr. Turner remains proud of the role he played in changing the abortion law in 1969. Sadly this has resulted in the death of over two million babies,” he said.

A full pro-life response to the archdiocesan letter is presented by Fr. Alphonse DeValk in the November edition of Catholic Insight magazine, and is pre-released on the Catholic Insight website and LifeSite.

During the World March of Women, after pro-lifers reacted negatively to Catholic funds being given to the pro- abortion march, a reaffirmation of support for the march was issued by Catholic authorities. Over a year later those same Catholic authorities backed out of the march. Cardinal Ambrozic was notable for his quick opposition to church support for the march. Pro-life leaders hope that the Cardinal will similarly respond to this disturbing reaffirmation of the selection of Mr. Turner as chair of the Cardinal's dinner.

See the archdiocesan letter.

See Fr. DeValk's response.

Concerns may be expressed to

Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic:

Catholic Pastoral Centre

1155 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario M4T 1W2

Tel: (416) 934-0606 Fax: (416) 934-3433

(This update courtesy of LifeSite News.)

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