Christmas Shoppers: Beware of Music Groups that Support Abortion

WASHINGTON ( – Rock For Life, a division of American Life League, is asking music buyers to be aware of what they are supporting with their purchases this Christmas season.

Consumers are urged not to purchase music from artists who help raise money and generate support for the abortion industry.

“Most people don't know where their money goes or what these bands support,” said Bryan Kemper, director of Rock For Life. “Some of the most popular bands support the abortion industry by playing at fundraising concerts or donating their music for compilation CDs that benefit the pro-abortion cause.”

Rock For Life has compiled lists of musicians who support and oppose the abortion industry. The list of pro-abortion bands includes groups such as the Dave Matthews Band, Barenaked Ladies, Ani DiFranco, and many more.

The pro-life list includes Third Day, Relient K, Jennifer Knapp, and many others.

Both lists are available online here.

(This update courtesy of LifeSite News.)

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