Made public yesterday was a Letter from Pope John Paul to Sister Stella Holisz, superior general of the Missionary Sisters of the Catholic Apostolate on the occasion of their 15th General Chapter during which they are reflecting on the theme: “Rekindle your first love – respond to the challenges of today.”
“Your vocation as missionaries,” he writes in the Letter, dated January 24, “patterned on the lives of the Apostles, eloquently shows that the more one lives in Christ the better one serves Him in others, going even to the furthest missionary outposts and facing the greatest dangers.”
The Holy Father stated that “in a world where the shadows of poverty, injustice, and secularism are cast over every continent, the need for authentic disciples of Jesus Christ remains as urgent as ever. It is precisely witness to Christ’s gospel that dispels the darkness and illuminates the way of peace, fostering hope in the hearts of even the most marginalized and dejected of people. The men and women you encounter from many religions, cultures, and social groups searching for meaning and dignity in their lives can never have their longings fulfilled by some vague religiosity.”
“Dear Sisters,” he concluded, “the Church looks to you to ‘speak’ of Christ to those whom you serve and to 'show' Him to them. Such witness demands that you yourselves first contemplate the face of Christ. Your initial and ongoing formation programs must therefore assist all the Sisters to conform themselves totally to Christ and His love of the Father.”
This update courtesy of Vatican Information Service.