Christian Medical Association Doctors Decry “Heartlessness” of Abortionists’ Testimony

WASHINGTON — As abortion rights groups battle the government in three courts nationwide over the constitutionality of partial-birth abortion, the nation's largest faith-based organization of physicians highlighted what it calls the inhumane testimony of abortion doctors and attorneys in the cases.

Christian Medical Association Executive Director Dr. David Stevens declared, “The arguments of abortion doctors and activists in these cases are astonishingly revealing about the heartlessness behind the abortion-on-demand forces. The testimony reveals an incomprehensible depth of inhumanity and barbarity.”

Stevens cited testimony taken from the March 31 transcript of opening arguments by plaintiffs in National Abortion Federation v. Ashcroft in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York: “Abortion doctors say they crush an unborn baby's skull 'as if you were picking up salad.'”

The transcripts of the case revealed that the abortionist described the skull-crushing tools as follows: “It would be like the end of tongs that are combined that you use to pick up salad. So they would be articulated in the center and you could move one end, and there would be a branch at the center, and the instruments are thick enough and heavy enough that you can actually grasp and crush with those instruments as if you were picking up salad or picking up anything with [them].”

At that point, the judge interrupted to say, “Except here you are crushing the head of a baby.”

CMA's Stevens noted, “When the judge also asks if the doctor ever considered the fact that an abortion causes the baby pain, the doctor incredibly says it never crossed his mind. Then he claims ignorance of the well-documented medical evidence that aspects of pain perception are present in an unborn child from as early as six to seven weeks gestation, and that they feel pain at a much stronger level than adults. What kind of doctor is this?”

Stevens also quoted the March 29 transcript, in which the plaintiffs' attorney argued, “In the case of unwanted pregnancies especially, some women want the fetus to better grieve. The intact (partial-birth abortion) procedure can typically allow this while a dismemberment (abortion) typically will not.” One abortionist told the judge that he even puts a cap on the aborted baby's head just as he would on a newborn.

Stevens noted, “What kind of people are these who debate whether it's better to tear a baby into pieces or to present the baby with a brainless head — whom they have just killed — to her mother?”

Gene Rudd, Associate Executive Director further commented, “A society founded on 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness' cannot long prosper with such disdain for life within its citizenry.”

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