by Pavel Chichikov
Christ is the standing wave
Of constant amplitude and truth
Of frequency and love undeviating
From beyond all temporal horizons
To beyond all measurable realms
Christ the infinite, unbounded justice
The standing wave moves not and yet
All which moves and lives harmonic is
Of this
Eternal mercy in transfinitude
And yet it slept on straw, mewed milk
And hushed it hushed, slept
Swaddled, cradled, breathed sweet breath
Measure? Yes, it can be measured so:
Wave length:
That which is most pitiful, most beautiful
Most full of strength
Visit Pavel's website at Grey Owl Press.
Note: Pavel will read selections of his poetry at Franciscan University (Steubenville, OH) on January 25, 2002. For more information contact Professor David Craig of the Department of English.