Choice Hollywood Quotes

10. “As a writer, I finally summoned up the bad taste to move to Hollywood.”

Leslie Dixon, 1987

9. The average Hollywood film star's ambition is to be admired by an American, courted by an Italian, married to an Englishman and have a French boyfriend.”

Kathryn Hepburn, 1954

8. “The honors Hollywood has for the writer are as dubious as tissue-paper cuff links.”

Ben Hecht, 1957

7. “Hollywood is the place where the author, upon seeing the film, promptly cuts his throat, bleeding to death in a pool of money.”

Fletcher Knebel, 1963

6. “Hollywood is a dreary industrial town controlled by hoodlums of enormous wealth, the ethical sense of a pack of jackals, and taste so degraded that it befouled everything it touched.”

S.J. Perelman, 1964

5. “Hollywood is like being nowhere and talking to nobody about nothing.”

Michelangelo Antonioni, 1971

4. “You can take all the sincerity in Hollywood, place it in the navel of a fruit fly and still have room enough for three caraway seeds and a producer's heart.”

Fred Allen, 1980

3. “Kenya and Hollywood boast two of the main animal crossings in the world.”

Carol Offen, 1986

2. “Hollywood is a factory. We make a product, we color it, we title it, and we ship it out in cans.”

Cary Grant, 1969

1. “Strip away the phony tinsel of Hollywood, and you'll find the real tinsel underneath.”

Oscar Levant, 1984

(This list courtesy of Gilbert!, The Magazine of G.K. Chesterton.)

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