Dear Catholic Exchange:
My children attend Children's Liturgy and I am and adult helper one time each month. At what age should they stop attending these Masses? Is it after they receive their First Communion? Also, am I meeting my weekly Mass obligation if I am in another location assisting with the children during the homily? The children's liturgy has a talk given by a lay person.
Thank you,
Ann Hodgdon
Dear Ms. Hodgdon,
Peace in Christ! We at Catholics United for the Faith were pleased to receive your email from the Catholic Exchange. You asked about Church regulations regarding Children’s Liturgies.
You first inquired about the age at which it is appropriate for a child to stop attending Masses for children. The Directory for Masses with Children states that in most cases, the Children’s Masses are designed for children who have not yet entered the period of preadolescence (no. 6). There is no exact age given. While young children may benefit more from liturgies adapted to their level of understanding, it is not recommended to keep them apart for too many years. The Church teaches that liturgies ought to serve a greater purpose than keeping the children entertained:
“It is always necessary to keep in mind that these Eucharistic Celebrations must lead children toward the celebration of Mass with adults, especially in the Masses at which the Christian community must come together on Sundays” (Directory for Masses with Children, no. 21).
Therefore, it is not desirable to over-extend the time during which children are asked to attend Masses adapted to them, but distinct from those forms found in the Roman Ritual which are said for adults.
Your second question was whether your attendance at a Children’s Mass, at which you assist, would fulfill your Sunday obligation since you are not hearing the regular Sunday readings or a homily delivered by a priest.
Regarding what constitutes fulfilling the Sunday obligation, the Church recognizes the approved rites for Children’s Mass as valid liturgical celebrations. Further, the Church provides that a member of the laity may offer the readings for a children’s Mass, and even provide a reflection if the presiding priest decides this is best.
Regarding fulfilling the Sunday obligation, there is no rule from the Church in terms of parts of a Mass attended, nor is there an explanation of “full and active participation” (Vatican II, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, no. 14).
United in the Faith,
Kathleen Rohan
Information Specialist
Catholics United for the Faith
827 North Fourth Street
Steubenville, OH 43952
800-MY-FAITH (800-693-2484)
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