Child of Holocaust Survivors and Co-Star Says Gibson Film ‘Not Anti-Semitic’

She is the daughter of holocaust survivors, and she co-stars in Mel Gibson's film The Passion of the Christ. In a recent interview, Maia Morgenstern, who plays the role of Mary, the Mother of Christ, rejects allegations that Gibson's film is anti-Semitic.

Morgenstern, best known in her native Romania, where she has appeared in over 30 films, rebuffs concerns that Gibson's portrayal will fuel anti-Semitism. She says that “Gibson is an artist, a director. He never imposed his religious convictions on anyone. If there is a message, it's more about how people can be manipulated by their leaders,” she said.

Gibson is battling allegations that his film is inflammatory against Jews, because it depicts them as the killers of Christ. One article claimed that Gibson was pulling a scripturally accurate scene which portrays the Jews saying “let His blood be upon us and our children.” Numerous concessions have been made, while more are being considered.

“When people go and see the film, they will (primarily) see a work of art,” Morgenstern said.

The film is to be released on Ash Wednesday.

In an earlier report about the widely circulated review of Mel Gibson's movie The Passion of the Christ, Catholic Deacon Keith Fournier emphasizes “There is not a scintilla of anti-Semitism to be found anywhere in this powerful film.”

See Deacon Fournier's article on The Passion of the Christ

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