By Pavel Chichikov
In the cool grey spinning ring
The monks of outer heaven sing
Aleluyah, Aleluyah Aleluyah
Glory Lord and God
Cassocks of the darkest black
Chanting deeply as they walk:
Aleluyah, Aleluyah, Aleluyah
Glory Lord and Savior
Every step a miracle
Heaven rings the chanters' circle
Aleluyah, Aleluyah, Aleluyah
Glorious Creator
Every step sustains forever
Yet the monks will reach their never
Aleluyah, Aleluyah, Aleluyah
Sing His holy name
Around the endless golden center
The chanters sing until they enter
Aleluyah, Aleluyah, Aleluyah
Eternity Your flame
(Click here to follow Pavel's ongoing epic poem “The Shoulder of the Sun.” You may visit Pavel's website at