CBS Veteran Exposes Media Bias in Tell-All Book

NEW YORK ( – Bernard Goldberg, a 28-year veteran of CBS News, has documented what he sees as “consistent and outright bias” in the network's news coverage in a new tell-all book entitled Bias, A CBS Insider Exposes How The Media Distort The News.

The book, which was an instant best-seller after being revealed by the Drudge Report, quotes CBS News President Andrew Heyward as admitting the leftist bias in comments to the author. “Look Bernie, of course there's a liberal bias in the news. All the networks tilt left. Come on, we all know it — the whole d— world knows it… If you repeat any of this, I'll deny it.”

Goldberg, a six-time Emmy winner, shows evidence of the radical feminist and anti-Christian bent of news media. Drudge Report notes that in one chapter titled “Identity Politics,” Goldberg writes: “I once asked Susan Zirinksy, a first-rate journalist who had been the CBS Evening News senior producer in Washington (she's now executive producer of 48 HOURS), how many times she went to conservative women's groups for on-camera reactions either to Supreme Court decisions of to votes in Congress regarding women's issues. She thought about it for a few seconds, then told me she couldn't think of a single time.” Goldberg explains: “Zirinksy didn't act out of malice. She didn't conspire with anyone to freeze out conservative women. She just thought NOW was the logical place to go. NOW wasn't a liberal group, to Zirinksy. It was a sensible, reasonable, and rational group.”

In the chapter “How About A Media That Reflects America?”, Goldberg details a 1999 conference call between CBS News producers and reporters — during which CBS veteran Roxanne Russell refered to Republican presidential candidate Gary Bauer as “the little nut from the Christian group.”

Drudge reports that a top CBS News executive blasted Goldberg on November 30 from New York City saying “Bernie Goldberg is a G-dd— traitor.”

For more see the Drudge Report.

(This update courtesy of LifeSite News.)

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