CBS Fall Sitcom to Promote “Alternative Lifestyles”

by Bill Fancher and Jody Brown

If Ellen DeGeneres hopes to succeed with her new comedy on CBS, she may want to consider the advice of one pro-family advocate and focus more on humor and less on homosexual activism.

The fall television season is just around the viewing corner, and the most aggressive lesbian advocate on the tube has returned. Ellen DeGeneres is back on CBS with a new half-hour sitcom called The Ellen Show. Robert Knight of the Culture and Family Institute, an affiliate of Concerned Women for America, says her success or failure will depend on the show's message.

“I don't know if Ellen can make it. A lot of people don't find her all that funny,” Knight says. “She may have learned her lesson [from her earlier series on ABC] and tried to inject more humor and less activism in her program. If that's the case, she may succeed, as [NBC's] Will & Grace have succeeded — by just writing a lot of crisp humor rather than political tracts.”

Knight says that after DeGeneres' effort to “shove homosexuality [in] everybody's face” with her failed show on ABC, it remains to be seen if viewers will accept any show that features her.

In addition to playing the main character, DeGeneres also co-produces the new program. According to the show's website, part of the story line in the comedy will deal the main character's business interests and “social life out west” not doing well.

CBS has angered many in the pro-family movement by scheduling the show to run in the traditional “Family Hour” of network programming.

(This column courtesy of Agape Press.)

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