Catholic University Under Threat of Lawsuit from Dissenting Student

NEWARK — A homosexual activist at Seton Hall University is attempting a civil suit to force the Catholic university to capitulate to a gay and lesbian student group. Sophomore Anthony Romeo has already rejected the university's offer of a compromise and is filing suit against the university on the grounds of discrimination.

Romeo complains that Seton Hall refused to allow his group to sponsor religious services tailored to homosexuals on campus.

The Roman Catholic Church teaches that unjust discrimination against persons is morally sinful; it also teaches that homosexual behavior cannot be encouraged or acclaimed as normal or healthy. The Church therefore considers it not possible for any faithful Catholic institution to allow religious services that would tend to give the impression of acceptance of homosexual behavior.

In response to Romeo's accusations, the university responded that it would not formally recognize any campus group, gay or otherwise, that was based solely on sexual orientation. Seton Hall spokeswoman Natalie Thigpen stood by the offer of a memorandum of understanding that would acknowledge the group's existence but reserved the right to choose its name.

See also:

Seton Hall Sued After Rejecting Bid for Gay Student Group

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