Catholic Universities: Bear Witness to the Faith

VATICAN CITY (VIS) – On Thursday the Pope received the

participants in an international conference focusing on the theme,

“Globalization and Catholic Universities,” organized jointly by the

Congregation for Catholic Education and the International Federation of

Catholic Universities.

The Holy Father encouraged rectors and professors of Catholic

universities all over the world to “be observant of what is promising to

man and mankind in scientific and technological progress and also in the

phenomena of globalization, but also of the dangers that may exist in the

future.” In this sense, he referred to topics that directly concern the

dignity of the person and man's fundamental rights which “are intimately

related to the big questions in bioethics, such as the statute of the human

embryo and stem cells, today the object of disturbing experiments and

manipulations, not always moral or scientifically justified.”

Professors and students, he said, “are called to bear clear witness to

their faith before the scientific community, showing their commitment to

the truth and their respect for the human person. For Christians, research

must in effect be undertaken in the light of faith, rooted in prayer,

listening to the Word of God, in Tradition and in the teaching of the


John Paul II emphasized that Catholic universities “have the duty to live

the teaching of the Magisterium in the different fields of research in

which they are involved, while preserving their scientific autonomy.”

The Pope stated that university authorities have the obligation to “be

vigilant in maintaining rectitude and Catholic principles in teaching and

research in the heart of their university. It is clear that university

centers that do not respect the Church's laws and the teaching of the

Magisterium, especially in bioethics, cannot be defined as Catholic


The Holy Father concluded by affirming that Catholic universities “are

called to be places of dialogue with the whole university world in order

that cultural formation and research may be at the service of the common

good and of man, who cannot be considered a simple tool for research.”

(This article courtesy of the Vatican Information Service.)

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