Catholic Student Society wants 18 Pro-Abortion “Catholic” Colleges to Dismiss Dissident Professors

The Cardinal Newman Society (CNS), a Catholic group working to restore the authentic character of Catholic academia, has thrown down the gauntlet in the case of 18 institutions who support the Culture of Death. The colleges failed to discipline professors who oppose the right to life and other fundamental Catholic moral and religious teachings.

In two separate mailings, CNS sent a letter to 75,000 people asking for help ousting 18 dissident professors. The letter, written by Eugene Diamond, former president of the Catholic Medical Association, said, “It is for us to raise our voice in defense of the truth and demand that authentic Catholic doctrine be brought back to our beloved universities and colleges.”

CNS names Fr. Kevin O'Rourke, a professor at Loyola University's bioethics institute who, in his work in the Catholic community, gives supposedly Catholic justifications for assisted suicide and euthanasia. Fr. O’Rourke was a key speaker at the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute in Toronto where he argued that it was morally permissible to remove nutrition and hydration from disabled patients.

The Society also names, Tom Beauchamp, a philosophy professor at Georgetown; Maxwell Gregg Bloche, Lawrence Gostin and Peter Rubin, Georgetown law professors; Howard Freed, Lauro Halstead and John Collins Harvey, past or current medical professors at Georgetown.

Daniel Maguire, a former priest and theology professor at Marquette University argues that there are “two traditions” within Catholic moral theology, one that is “strongly pro-choice” and that neither was “official.” Prior to giving a talk on the “Hidden Tradition of Abortion” in Catholic theology this May, he said on Irish radio, “”The idea of a little cluster of stem cells being a person goes against the longest Christian tradition in existence, and makes no sense at all.”

Also named was Rev. Richard McBrien, a theology professor at the University of Notre Dame who is a notorious dissenter from basic Catholic doctrines regarding the nature of God and the sacraments.

The Society asks supporters to “please help protest by sending letters or e-mails or by calling the college presidents.”

To visit the Cardinal Newman Society website, click here.

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