“Catholic” Boston College Expands Non-Discrimination Policy with Questionable Clause

BOSTON — Jesuit Boston College administrators have voluntarily rewritten the school’s statement of non-discrimination, to welcome homosexual students — despite a Massachusetts law that exempts religious institutions with moral objections for denying equal opportunities to active homosexuals.

The new non-discrimination statement states that Boston College “commits itself to maintaining a welcoming environment for all people, and extends its welcome in particular to those who may be vulnerable to discrimination on the basis of their race . . . religion, color, age . . . or sexual orientation.”

Maintaining Catholic moral teaching on homosexuality has not been “job one” at the College. University president, Rev. William Leahy, granted a gay-straight student alliance official recognition as a student organization in 2003.

A spokesman for the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities told boston.com that Boston College is now the 21st of 28 other schools that have already incorporated the homosexual welcome.

“Like it or not, many [BC students] seem to have gotten the [Jesuit] message,” claimed BC faculty member, Rev. John W. Howard, who acclaims the new policy. “I'm not the only one who admires them.”

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(This update courtesy of LifeSiteNews.com.)

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