Catholi-cEx-change Opens Its Mail

Cex Change?

Dear Catholic Exchange:

I recently sent your web-site address to friends. When I typed it out [] what stood out was in the middle it reads cex change. Granted the spelling of sex with a c is not kosher, however it does jump out at one. I am assuming this was unintended.


Janet S. Crook

Dear Janet:

Thanks for pointing that out. In fact, if you take the middle section and spell it backwards you get “xeci,” which some might perceive as “sexy,” which is also problematic. In any case, we only advocate sex within the confines of marriage between a man and a woman, for unitive or procreative purposes.

In all seriousness, thank you for your support and prayers. We appreciate you sharing our site with your friends.

In Christ,

Tom Allen


Catholic Exchange

P.S. Forgive me; I just finished editing a humor article before getting to your letter, and am still a little punchy.

A Blessing for Catholics


My name is Candido Ramirez. I am a PRACTICING Catholic and I wanted to write to your organization to tell you what a good job you are doing. Catholic Exchange is exactly what the Roman Catholic Church needs in order to stay current with the world, more specifically with the United States.

Whether we like it or not, people are relying more and more upon the Internet and technology in general. It is my opinion that the Internet is the necessary vehicle for Catholics to learn and spread their faith to the rest of the world. You may have noticed that I put the word “practicing” in capital letters. That is because there are plenty of “Catholics” out there but very few Catholics that actually believe and follow the teachings of the one true Church that Jesus himself established. It is disheartening.

Please keep up the great work! Make alliances with other electronic Catholic organizations such as EWTN and Catholic World News. We Catholics need you very much. My wife and I plan on using your website for our scripture studies. How about some video lessons that we can watch via the Internet? Anything that will enable a house full of adults to learn about their faith as the Vatican approves. Again, Catholic Exchange is a blessing for Catholics. I will spread the word!

Your Brother in Christ,

Candido Ramirez

Dear Candido:

Thank you for your kind words and support of Catholic Exchange! By all means, tell your family and friends about CE!

Regarding new offerings, Catholic Exchange does have some new and exciting features in store for our viewers. Stay tuned!


Mark Dittman

Associate Editor

Catholic Exchange

Prison Ministry Resources

Dear Catholic Exchange:

I have been requested by my Detention Ministry Chaplain to discuss the topic of perseverance with the inmates. Can you help me find some information?

Bill Betancourt

Dear Mr. Betancourt:

Thanks for your inquiry. Here are some resources for you:

Best of luck with your prison work. Please consider making an end-of-year contribution to Catholic Exchange so that we may continue providing these services to grassroots Catholics worldwide.

God Bless,

Tom Allen


Catholic Exchange

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