LIMA As Peru's Congress moves toward legalizing abortion in the country's constitution, Juan Luis Cardinal Cipriani offered the closing Mass for the 4th National Congress on Family Planning in Peru's capital with the message that abortion is always murder.
Nor should politicians get away with “vague and mistaken words,” he added, “as is the case of the new draft of the Constitution.”
Last month, Peru's national Congress approved a change in Article 2 of the Constitution, adding the doublespeak words, “Abortion is prohibited but for the exception permitted by law.”
However, the cardinal noted, “There is no exception at all when the word abortion means the murder of one who already has life. … Sometimes they say, “That is true for Catholics…” No, gentlemen, every day science increasingly opens its doors to revealed truth, and is showing the world the only truth; because it is demonstrating that there is life from the first instant of conception and, therefore, to attack it is murder.”
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For previous outrages against human life by the Peruvian republic see:
Massive Coercive Sterilization In Peru
(This update courtesy of LifeSite News.)