Canadian Muscular Dystrophy Association Calls for Embryonic Research

OTTAWA, ON – The Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada (MDAC) appeared before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health on September 26 demanding that Canada permit the creation of human embryos specifically for use in experimentation. The macabre suggestion of creating human beings for research , which will lead to their destruction, has been condemned by almost every group involved in the stem cell debate, even those who agree with embryonic stem cell research.

In the past MDAC has enjoyed the financial and volunteer support of numerous Christians and Christian organizations. Their anti-life lobby effort yesterday will likely cost them in this regard. On their website, MDAC boasts that the Knights of Columbus in Ile Des ChĂȘnes raised $6,000 for MDAC at a 1995 Dinner and Dance. Similar support in the future is unlikely, former Grand Knight Frank Kennedy told LifeSite. Kennedy, who used to head up the North York Knights Council, said, “No Christian or Christian organization should give any money to MDAC unless they change their stand on this issue. Support for research on embryos is contrary to the widely held understanding of Christians that embryos are persons deserving the right to life.”

To express your concerns to MDAC:

Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada

2345 Yonge Street Suite 900

Toronto, Ontario

M4P 2E5

Tel: (416) 488-0030

Fax: (416) 488-7523


See the MDAC press release regarding their lobby effort.

(This update courtesy of LifeSite News.)

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