London, England British pro-lifers are upset with the BBC for airing a program that accused pro-life Catholics of being responsible for the deaths of women from illegal abortions because the church opposes abortion. The attack came during last Sunday's BBC program “Sex and the Holy City.”
Anthony Ozimic of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children said, “Many people have already protested strongly to the BBC about the report's in-built bias. The 'investigation,' which purported to be a serious documentary report, obviously had its anti-life 'findings' written before it started.” Ozimic added: “The deaths of women caused by so-called 'safe legal abortion', as well as other health dangers associated with abortion such as breast cancer and sterility, were not even mentioned. The Church's alternatives to abortion, such as support for women in crisis pregnancies, adoption and provision of orphanages, were given little or no mention.”
(This article courtesy of Steven Ertelt and For more information or to subscribe go to or email