Dear Catholic Exchange,
I have just read your review of The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren, and found it to be very helpful. That book has been recommended to me by my Protestant friends, as well as Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen. I have a Catholic friend who is reading the Osteen book, as well, because so many people recommended it to her. Will you please review the strengths and weaknesses of it, and give us Catholics suggestions for a similar book written by a faithful Catholic author?
Thank you,
Under the Mantle of Mary,
Deb Banzhaf
Dear Deb,
Peace in Christ!
To get a perspective on Joel Osteen's writing, please see Carl Olson’s commentary on Joel Osteen’s message.
The Catholic Church has a long and rich literary tradition regarding discernment of God’s will for one’s vocation in general and life purpose in general. This literature recognizes the universal call to holiness. This tradition is undoubtedly much deeper and more doctrinally accurate, given that it’s both Catholic and has developed over millenia.
A recent book that could be helpful, especially if parents with adolescent and young adult children are involved in the study, is LifeWork: Finding Your Purpose in Life (Rick Sarkisian, Ignatius Press). Dr. Sarkisian is founder and president of Valley Rehabilitation Services, Inc., specializing in vocational and career guidance.
The book is a unique approach to discovering the presence of God in all that we do. A special emphasis is placed on the unique, personal vocation and mission to which we are called. Written in a user-friendly style, LifeWork is particularly relevant for high school, college and young adult age groups, yet has application for all believers wanting to seek God's will and purpose.
A Catholic book that focuses specifically on vocational discernment is Personal Vocation by Dr. Germain Grisez and Russell Shaw (Our Sunday Visitor). For an online interview on the book with Dr. Grisez, conducted by the Catholic newswire service Zenit.
On general discernment and life purpose, we recommend several books. Introduction to the Devout Life, by St. Francis de Sales, remains a one-volume classic on the spiritual life. Other Catholic classics include Spiritual Combat by Dom Lorenzo Scupoli; Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis; Pathways to Holiness by Ven. Louis of Granada; and Interior Castles by St. Teresa of Avila. Also recommended is The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, perhaps the preeminent program on spiritual discernment. However, as one priest summarized, “the Exercises are meant to be done, not read.”
If one is preparing a presentation on discernment, he should consult a priest or other retreat master to best glean wisdom from the Exercises. Also recommended is Fr. Thomas Green’s, Weeds Among the Wheat, which draws on the wisdom of St. Ignatius. A more recent book is Fr. Thomas Dubay’s Seeking Spiritual Direction: How to Grow the Life Within (Servant Publications). Finally, for a short primer on discernment, Fr. Michael Scanlon’s What Does God Want is useful (Franciscan University Press).
Other good, Catholic books that offer daily reflections on the purpose of life include My Daily Bread (a enduring, popular Catholic devotional); and three by St. Josemaría Escrivá, the founder of Opus Dei: The Way; The Furrow and Friends of God.
United in the Faith,
Eric Stoutz
Information Specialist
Catholics United for the Faith
827 North Fourth Street
Steubenville, OH 43952
800-MY-FAITH (800-693-2484)
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