TV is really good about promoting itself. How many commercials do you see that are promoting another show?
That's part of what is making blogging great: one blogger promoting the work of another. I'm pretty new to the blogging world but I have been surprised at how helpful my fellow bloggers have been to me. And one blogging friend seems to lead to another. The last time I had an experience like this was when we started homeschooling. Everyone in the community was incredibly helpful.
So I wanted to take a moment and thank some of the bloggers that have helped me gain at least a couple of more fans than my mom.
Lisa Haneberg. Lisa, without you this blog probably would not be. I looked at you and thought "maybe I can do that". Check out Lisa's great thoughts on management, life, and other adventures at .
Michael St. Pierre. Mike, thanks so much for letting your readers know about me. You inspire me with the quality and quantity of your work. For timely and inspirational thoughts about GTD from a spiritual perspective, check out his blog, The Daily Saint .
Lisa M. Hendey. Lisa, although we have never talked on the phone or met face-to-face, I consider you a friend. It's been so encouraging to me that you really seem to appreciate what I have to say. For implementing GTD in the most important place of all, head over to Procuctivity @ Home (does that name not rock!?).
Kyle McFarlin. Kyle, you didn't hesitate when I asked you about promoting my blog. You are part of what makes the blog world such a great place. You trusted me and went out of your way to help point readers to my site (and it worked!). For those of you who are interested in taking mind mapping and project management to the next level, take a look at The Underlying Blog .
Mary Kochan. Mary, thanks for inviting me to be a part of your community. I am honored. Mary Kochan is Senior Editor for Catholic Exchange. The Exchange is a great model on how bloggers can work together to create a quality "channel". Part of Mary's work is CE On Time , A Guide To Personal Productivity.
Also, thanks to all my readers! It is so cool to read your comments and to realize that it some small way I am helping you navigate this crazy world we live in. I love doing this and trust I can continue to offer value in what I write. If there's something that you would like me to write about, leave a comment and I'll see what I can do.
P.S. If I left out any bloggers, leave me a comment and I'll make up for it in a future post.
(For more posts like this one, visit my blog, Tech Rest – Enjoying technology and finding rest in a restless world)