Blessed Teresa of Calcutta

Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta's tenth anniversary of death tomorrow

I'm sure you have all heard about Blessed Teresa's dark night of the soul that she suffered through while she ministered to God's poorest of the poor. Excerpts from Mother Teresa's private letters have been brought to light which reveal her interior struggles and sufferings. Of course, the secular media has misconstrued and distorted everything suggesting that Mother Teresa had lost her faith – how ludicrous! I will be speaking about that in posts and interviews in the upcoming days.

Tomorrow is the tenth anniversary of Mother Teresa's death. It's hard for me to believe that it has been that long. I will be posting a link here at "Daily Donna-Marie" to an interview with Nissa Gadbois of Simple Gifts by tomorrow sometime. She will be interviewing me later on today about Mother Teresa whom I was privileged to know.

Also, I will be featured on the "Catholic Connection" show with Teresa Tomeo on Ave Maria Radio this Friday, September 7th at about 9:30 AM EASTERN time. Please tune in to that which you can do from your computer.

My book, Unlikely Saints about Mother Teresa will be out early in 2008 published by The Crossroad Publishing Company.

Additionally, I wrote a cover story for the September issue of Canticle magazine titled, Mother Teresa and Me: Remembering the Mother of All the Poor. My son, Joseph (as a baby) appears on the cover in Mother Teresa'a arms.

It begins…
Sheer sweetness filled my heart as I watched my little girl bend down on one knee to genuflect before the Blessed Sacrament while making the Sign of the Cross on herself. A Missionary of Charity nun caught sight of her too, and felt compelled to run up behind my child, lean over and wrap her arms around her in a warm embrace. How kindhearted, I thought.
It happened so quickly and then I felt like my heart stopped when I suddenly realized who that nun was. Touched to see a small child remember to reverently say "good bye" to Jesus before leaving the chapel, Mother Teresa had hugged my daughter, Chaldea! That blessed hug was the first gesture of love from Mother Teresa that would touch my family.
This beloved moment came after we attended a Mass at the Missionaries of Charity chapel in Washington, DC…

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Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle is a Catholic wife, mother of five, grandmother, speaker, catechist, and EWTN TV host of “Everyday Blessings for Catholic Moms,” “Catholic Mom’s Café,” and "Feeding Your Family's Soul." She is an award winning and best selling author of numerous Catholic books and was blessed with a ten-year friendship with St.Teresa of Calcutta.

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