Blessed are Those Who Mourn!

Matthew 5:4

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

We who have suffered so much in the past two months know something of the wisdom of this beautiful beatitude afresh. Nothing in our generation has caused the deep anguish and mourning that September 11, 2001 brought on the world. And yet how deeply blessed did we find ourselves in the immense outpouring of courage, nobility, love and prayer that issued from the wounds torn open in the side of our nation. The blood that poured out of our hearts that day was an intimate sharing in the blood that poured from the wounded heart of Christ and we knew both his anguish and his consolation. May those who still suffer so terribly from the events of that day, and all who bear the cross of these times, find how deeply true and beautiful this beatitude is.

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