(This update courtesy of LifeSite News.)
HOUGHTON, Michigan (LSN.ca) – Bishop James H. Garland of the Marquette diocese in Michigan wrote to a Houghton local paper earlier this month to express his disappointment at the opening of a Planned Parenthood office in Houghton. In the letter Bishop Garland called the opening “bad news” since “the anti-life values promoted by this organization will harm the youth and families.”
The bishop explained that “The support for abortion, contraception and sexual expressions outside of marriage contributes to a society that is dangerous to children.” He said “The freedom of choice Planned Parenthood promotes is a choice to kill an innocent baby. The freedom of human reproduction it espouses is largely responsible for the disintegration of respect for traditional marriage… Planned Parenthood proclaims a view of human life and sexuality that flies in the face of the law God has written in our hearts and in the face of Jesus' teaching in the Gospel.”
The bishop concluded his letter saying, “For the future good of our children and families I hope that people in the Houghton community will defend themselves against Planned Parenthood's philosophy and values by every legal and ethical means at their disposal.”
Satellite and Cable Company Offer Homosexual Channel but Not Catholic One
TORONTO (LSN.ca) – One of the two satellite companies in Canada and one of the four major cable companies are offering a 24 hour 7-day-a-week homosexual channel to customers but not offering the highly acclaimed and sought after Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN). However, the blame for the offering of the homosexual channel is due the government rather than the service providers since the government's communications regulator the CRTC, mandated the coverage of the homosexual station.
The only other satellite company in Canada does not list EWTN among its new channel lineup and another of the major cable stations also does not plan to carry EWTN, at least in its fall lineup. While EWTN was recently allowed to be broadcast in Canada this year after a long battle with the CRTC, cable and satellite companies that could carry the channel have so far not offered it.
Bell Expressvu, one of the only two satellite companies, has released a brochure on its lineup of new channels which include PrideVision but does not include EWTN. Star Choice, the other satellite company does not list EWTN in its “new national channel line-up”. PrideVision bills itself as “the premier national network for coverage of gay and lesbian issues broadcasting” and says it will appeal to bisexuals and transsexuals as well.
Cogeco cable, one of the Canada's three major cable providers also offers PrideVision and excludes EWTN in its new fall lineup. Reporters contacting Rogers Cable learned that it too would likely not carry EWTN, at least not this Fall. Shaw cable could not be reached for comment, but earlier this year, it applied to the government to be exempted from carrying PrideVision saying it would face a “consumer revolt” if it forced customers to accept PrideVision.
In order to encourage cable and satellite companies to carry EWTN it is suggested that the companies be contacted directly, especially by current customers. Requests submitted with bill payments are most highly regarded by the companies.
For reference see the following company websites:
For related coverage see:
Lifesite News #1
Lifesite News #2.