Betting Against the US Could Be Detrimental to One’s Hollywood Career

By Chad Groening

A media watchdog says several Hollywood celebrities have egg on their faces, now that their predictions of gloom and doom in Iraq have turned out to be completely wrong.

Rich Noyes is director of research at the Media Research Center. He says the sight of Iraqis welcoming American troops in the streets of Baghdad sent a message to the Hollywood Left: don't bet against the U.S.

“When people make predictions like this, it's not a 50-50 proposition whether they'll be right or wrong &#0151 it's all based on how they think the world works,” Noyes says. “All of these people who predicted doom thought America had to be 'Public Enemy #1' [and] the country that people feared most &#0151 and no matter what their other problems were, they would band together and be against America.

“And it turns out that is absolutely wrong &#0151 and you're always going to be wrong when you bet against the United States of America.”

Noyes predicts that the careers of several left-wing Hollywood celebrities &#0151 Michael Moore and Janeane Garofalo among them &#0151 will undoubtedly suffer because most Americans do not agree with their extreme positions.

“I think it will hurt them &#0151 certainly Michael Moore, who tries to concoct things with a political spin and tries to use his movies for propaganda purposes,” he says. “Plainly, he put all of his cards on the table and it turned out he doesn't know what's going on &#0151 he's just wrong.”

He also notes that comedienne Garofalo spent a considerable amount of time protesting Operation Iraqi Freedom and became “very prominent” on the Hollywood anti-war scene. But “she has the whole embarrassment of being just wrong,” he says.

Noyes says Moore and Garofalo based their predictions on the premise that the United States is always wrong.

(This article courtesy of Agape Press.)

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