Behold Our Lord: Then and Now

then and now

Behold our Lord transfigured,

In Sacrament Divine;

His glory deeply hidden,

 'Neath forms of Bread and Wine.


Our eyes of faith behold Him,

Salvation is outpoured;

The Saviour dwells among us,

 by ev'ry heart adored.


 No longer on the mountain

With Peter, James and John,

Our precious Saviour bids us

To walk where saints have gone.


He has no lasting dwelling,

Save in the hearts of men;

 He feeds us with His Body,

 To make us whole again.


 With Moses and Elijah,

 We worship Christ our King;

Lord, make our souls transfigured,

Let us with angels sing.


 Lead us in paths of glory,

Give tongues to sing thy praise;

Lord Jesus, keep us faithful,

 Now and for all our days.


 Text: Fr. Christopher G. Phillips, 1990

used with permission

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