Hebrews 13:13
Therefore let us go forth to Him outside the camp and bear the abuse He endured.
The devil always sends lies into the world in pairs. One such set of ugly twins is the notion that we are either doormats or avenging angels. The Christian idea is much more subtle: we are to bear wrongs patiently (not wimpily) and fight for justice without cease. The devil hates this. So when we bear wrongs patiently he whispers, "Where's your self-esteem? Are you just gonna take that?" and urges upon us the lie "You don't want to punch this guy out for insulting you because you are vengeful, but because you care about justice." Conversely, when we are called upon to defend against evil (such as people who fly planes into buildings full of innocent people and threaten to go on doing that in perpetuity) he is quick to tell you that the only possible motivation for this is not justice or defense of the innocent, but a lust for vengeance for which you should be ashamed. Don't fall for either lie. Fight for justice and don't bother about protecting your backside from personal insult.