Band Postpones “Suicide Show” Until This Weekend

A Florida shock rock band has once again proposed a Saturday night concert featuring a member of a pro-euthanasia group who, as a fan of the band, has asked it to allow him to kill himself during the show.

Neither Hell on Earth's concert nor the suicide took place last week, and a statement posted on the band's web site &#0151 which has been on and offline during the last several days &#0151 said it would hold the concert this coming weekend.

The Internet provider that hosts the band's web site said it was finally taken down last night.

Mayor Rick Baker said police and city officials would continue to monitor the situation.

“We still consider the idea of using a suicide as a way of promoting a concert to be a sick concept,” Baker said. “If someone chooses to break the law in our city, we'll look to aggressively prosecute them.”

Meanwhile, the man who wants to die spoke with the host of a local radio program.

The man, whose voice was digitally scrambled, said he has less than six months to live. While he wouldn't provide many specifics, he said he was on a respirator.

He said he asked the band to allow him to commit suicide because it was a way to get publicity about the assisted suicide crusade.

“Assisted suicide must be made legal soon for others like me,” said the man.

Last Thursday, a local judge issued an injunction blocking the band from performing the suicide show.

Billy Tourtelot, 33, could not be located for city officials to serve him with the court order and he did not appear in court Thursday. He could be held in contempt of court for not attending.

(This article courtesy of Steven Ertelt and For more information or to subscribe go to or email

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