Romano Guardini

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Romano Guardini (1885–1968) was ordained a priest in 1910. He was a professor at the University of Berlin until the Nazis expelled him in 1939. His sermons, books, popular classes, and his involvement in the post-war German Catholic Youth Movement won him worldwide acclaim. His works combine a keen thirst for God with a profound depth of thought and a delightful perfection of expression.

How Christ Relieves Our Sufferings

How Christ Relieves Our Sufferings

Why We Linger on Mary in the Holy Rosary

Why We Linger on Mary in the Rosary

The Mass Reminds Us of Christ's Return

The Mass Reminds Us of Christ’s Return

The Rosary Consists of Holy Words

The Rosary Consists of Holy Words

Christ’s Power to Draw Us Close to Him

The Saints Reflect the Glory of God to Us

The Beads & Repetition of the Rosary

The Beads & Repetition of the Rosary

Truth and the Eucharist

Truth and the Eucharist

Christ Offers Himself in the Mass

Christ Offers Himself in the Mass

Christ in Us Through the Rosary

Christ in Us Through the Rosary