Mike Schramm

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Mike Schramm lives in southeastern Minnesota with his wife and seven children. He teaches theology and philosophy at Aquinas High School and Viterbo University. He earned his MA in theology from St. Joseph's College in Maine and an MA in philosophy from Holy Apostles College. He is also the managing editor of the Voyage Compass, an imprint of Voyage Comics and Publishing, having produced Unexpectedly Catholic: Seeds of the Gospel in 20 Popular Stories and Spider-Man and Faith: Essays on Christian Truth in the Spider-Verse.

Welcome to the Party, Pal! A Unique Analogy for God’s Presence In, and Our Experience Of, the Afterlife

Connecting Christ the King and Advent: Maccabees!

Remembering Dr. Kevin Vost and the Essential Role of Memory in Tradition and Culture

Are We Capable of Learning from Our Elders?

What C.S. Lewis Taught Me About Conversion