M.C. Holbrook

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M.C. Holbrook is a homeschooling mother of ten and author of the series, The Safe Haven: Scriptural Reflections for the Heart and Home. Originally from New York City, Holbrook received a Bachelor’s degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Cornell University, and a Master’s degree in School Counseling from New York University. Holbrook enjoys meals with her family, prayer with her friends, and a hot cup of coffee each morning with the Word of God.

The Light of Wisdom of the Three Magi

The Dreams of St. Joseph: Feast of the Holy Innocents

The Song of the Angels: In Preparation for Christmas Vigil Mass

What happened during Mary’s visit with Elizabeth?

Who Are You, Juan Diego?

Blessed Are the Grateful of Heart, For They See God

Why Think About Hell

There is More to Heaven

What’s it like in Purgatory?

The Silence of Saint Simon