Dr. Kristin Towle
By Dr. Kristin Towle
Dr. Kristin Towle decided to become a theology professor when she took her first theology class as a freshman at the University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, MN). She had the honor of being in the first class of theology Ph.D. students at Ave Maria University. While in the Everglades of Florida, she met her future husband, Michael, also from Minnesota. After a four-year adventure in the St. Louis area, Kristin and Mike and their little family returned home to Minnesota, with its gorgeous summers and long, harsh winters. Kristin, Mike, and their four small children now live in the Minneapolis area. Kristin can be found teaching at the St. Paul Seminary, or chasing after her two boys and two girls at the mall or the park. She can be reached at kristintowle@stthomas.edu.