As the Summer Ends

by Pavel Chichikov

In the street, above the street

The feather of a jay, floating –

Summer being over, the chicks are raised

To scream elsewhere

At the robbing crow

And the crouching cat

My Lord God Jesus Christ

How long will this go on

Before You end the comedy,

The bitter farce?

We are so tired of ourselves

Of thievery, and robbery, and violence

End over end, from now until forever

Never learning, never changing

Curse upon curse

Theft upon theft

And no remorse

As the feather floats

So will I come

On some fine autumn day –

Beware, or unaware

It shall not matter –

Silent are the feet

And blessed is the light

And I tell you this

As summer ends

(Click here to follow Pavel's ongoing epic poem “The Shoulder of the Sun.” You may visit Pavel's website at

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