Are Your Troubles Too Ordinary for God?

Heb 2:14-18 / Mk 1:29-39

Are there ever times in your life when you refrain from asking Jesus for healing because you think that your sickness is too ordinary or that your troubles are not great enough for our Lord to come to your aid?

In today’s Gospel, you may identify with the mother-in-law of Peter who lays ill in bed with a fever, while Jesus travels through the town casting out demons and healing those afflicted with horrible diseases. It took the outside insistence of Peter and Andrew to make Jesus aware of the woman’s illness, for she did not seek His healing out on her own.

There may be times in our lives when we may feel unworthy to receive healing. We must consider that Jesus desires our need of Him. He wants to be invited to heal our hurts, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem. Are we inviting Jesus into our hearts and homes to receive the power of His healing grace?

If today you struggle with something you deem not important enough for the Lord, don’t listen to this spirit of weakness. Ask Jesus to heal your smallest affliction, your most ordinary need. And in return, be like the mother-in-law in today’s Gospel, respond immediately with a heart of gratitude and service.