Jer 7:23-28 / Lk 11:14-23
Where do you stand? It’s a pointed question that gets asked a million times every day, in the corporate board room, at the city council, in the White House, at the PTA meeting, and over and over inside our homes. Where do you stand? What are you really about? Are you with me or against me?
Often our answer would confuse and amaze even the Oracle of Delphi. What did that platitude mean? Anything? Very often, nothing at all — just a stall and filler. But for those of honest heart, the question persists and demands an answer: What are we really for? Are we with the Lord or not. The ‘vanilla’ comfortableness of our culture, where to go along is to get along, is not enough. For this is God asking the question, the one who gave us life and who sustains it day by day.
It’s a fair question and we have to choose. After a certain point, treading water is no longer an option. And so our answer comes from the only place that counts, not fine words from the lips but silent words from the innermost heart: I am yours, Lord, and all I have is yours. Speak, Lord, for I am listening.
The moment we speak those words from deep within will be the first moment of true freedom in all our lives. So waste no more time, speak the words from within, and be free.