Are You Under-Invested?

2 Cor 9:6-11 / Mt 6:1-6,16-18

There's an old story about a man who prayed daily that he'd win the lottery. His prayers spanned many years, but never once did he win even a single dollar. Eventually, he got angry and complained to God, "I've been faithful to my prayers across all these years, Lord, but never once have you let me win."

God responded immediately and in a voice that left no doubt as to who was speaking. His message was brief: "My son, you have to buy a ticket!"

That judgment could probably apply quite nicely to most of our complaints against life and against God. We have to buy a ticket. We have to invest in life. And, as St. Paul says, he who sows sparingly will have to expect to reap sparingly. It's so obvious, but there's something in us that too often keeps us from investing in life as we ought. Sometimes it's fear of the unknown that holds us back from making full, whole-hearted commitments, sometimes it's simple lethargy.

Now is a good time to take a hard look at those parts of your life where you are under-invested and to ask why. You may not like the answer, but it could be the beginning of a wise and long overdue conversion.