DaVinciOutreach.com is looking for speakers throughout the country who want to conduct seminars or lead DaVinci Discussion Nights to debunk The DaVinci Code. We are building a large, active Speakers’ Bureau on the DaVinci Outreach website to help dioceses and parishes find speakers in their area who can respond to the best-selling book and forthcoming movie, which will hit thousands of theaters in the United States and Canada on May 19.
DaVinciOutreach.com can provide you for FREE all of the resources you need to conduct speaking engagements and adult faith-formation discussions in your area parishes or other venues.
Will you help us with this initiative?
Our baptismal vows call us to defend Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church when they are maligned. The DaVinci Code movie is going to be fodder for the media during the next three months. Be assured that the enemies of the Church (or at least those who easily buy into myths about the Church) will be on the airwaves and in our company lunchrooms chattering away and influencing countless Catholics and others of good will. We need you to help us stem the tide of misinformation and fortify our fellow Catholics and other Christians with the truth about Christ and the Church. (Besides, speaking and running Discussion Nights should be a lot of fun, too!)
To learn more about becoming a speaker or running a discussion night in your parish or diocese, email Tara Williams at twilliams@ascensionpress.com. Tara will give you more details, including the basic requirements that will be asked of you should you want to be listed with our Speakers’ Bureau.
To see some of the resources available to you, visit DaVinciOutreach.com and click on the “Free Resources” button.
Whether you sign up to be one of our speakers or not, please make liberal use of the free resources we are providing to get the most out of our new book, The DaVinci Deception: 100 Questions about the Fact and Fiction of The DaVinci Code. Use a study guide for yourself, if that is what your circumstances dictate; share them with your family or a few friends, if that is all you can manage. We want every person to receive the only antidote there is against The DaVinci Deception the truth.