Are You Ready for the Storm?

Jer 28:1-17 / Mt 14:22-36

There are times when our lives are coming apart at the seams and only the most extreme measures are sufficient to hold things together and get us through. The crisis may be a family matter, a financial issue, or something related to our careers. Whatever the issue, there’s no mistaking the sense of desperation and fear, and the willingness to try almost anything.

That’s what Peter felt as the sea churned about him and he feared for his life. He saw Jesus walking toward him on the water, and with very little thought about consequences he impulsively he stepped out of the boat and walked on water, too. He could have walked all the way to Jesus and safety if he’d stayed focused on Jesus. But he didn’t. Instead, he let his mind and heart be filled by the noise of the storm and by all the reasons why he shouldn’t and couldn’t be doing this. And inevitably, he sank like a rock because he’d acted on impulse with no firm ground beneath it.

There is no such thing as a totally safe, risk-free life. Indeed, every one of us will confront those moments when we’re called upon to “walk on water.” Will we go down with the ship without even trying? Will we sink like a rock half way to our goal? Or will we find our way through waves and into Jesus’ embrace? It all depends on what kind of roots our faith has and how firm is the ground under our choices.

Faith-roots aren’t grown in a day, but over a lifetime. How healthy are yours? Now is the time to grow them strong and deep. Don’t put it off; the really big storm may be just around the corner!