Jer 15:10,16-21 / Mt 13:44-46
There is something intrinsically fascinating about heroes, geniuses and other people of extraordinary achievement, whatever their field of endeavor. Where did they get it? How did Tiger Wood, Bill Gates, and so many others develop such seeming ease at what they do? Dozens of studies confirm the same answer: Single-minded focus from an early age!
It's the very habit that Jesus is urging upon us in today's gospel. "Get clear about what counts at the center and core of life," He says, "and then go for it with everything you have." It's what most of us would do in business or in our professions. We'd sell everything in order to close the biggest deal of our lives. Why wouldn't we do that at the core of life? The sad news is that quite often we haven't and we don't. Today is a golden opportunity to begin to change that!