Acts 16:22-34/Jn 16:5-11
“Do no harm to yourself, we are all here.”
How many of us would have stayed where we were if we were in the same situation as Paul was? Furthermore, how many of us would have used the opportunity in the prison to speak to all those prisoners?
Just above this, our reading says that all the prisoners were listening to Paul and Silas as they prayed and sang hymns. Then it says, remarkably, that all the prisoners were still there after the earthquake.
Is it alright to be envious of Paul’s success? Oh, I know, I have not faced a crowd so unknowing of Jesus as Paul did. Does that make it easier or harder for me? Or for you?
How hard would it be for us to make every moment a moment of evangelization? Paul did not pass up his opportunity with the prisoners nor with the prison guard.
There are so many people in our society today who have some nominal knowledge of Jesus, that it makes it hard for us to speak to them of Who He is.
My simple prayer for today is that God will fill someone with the wisdom to speak to our culture in a way that will bring them back to Christ. And may the Lord then pass that wisdom on to all of us that we may speak and bring true conversion back to our land.
Are there any Pauls out there?